Investment in Upgrading Your Home HVAC System Did you know that the air conditioning HVAC systems in the United States’ homes consume nearly 6% of the entire electricity production every year? Therefore, having efficient HVAC systems to stay comfortable in your home might be the way to save on energy costs and reduce your bills. Conejo Services is a top-quality HVAC contractor that can deliver the best HVAC services at affordable rates. Whether you live in Ventura County, Santa Barbara County, or Los Angeles, you can upgrade your HVAC system with our help.

Is Your Current HVAC System Still Working Well?

According to a national report, approximately 100 million residential spaces in the United States have HVAC systems. With nearly 83% of US households boasting HVAC systems, it is imperative to acknowledge the latest developments in the residential air conditioning industry. Check if your HVAC system is working perfectly. Or does it have some damages, faults, and errors like those below? While some issues simply require replacing filters, not attending to major concerns can lead to potential air conditioning failures. This ultimately results in skyrocketing energy bills. Here are some of the problems that point towards a malfunctioning, damaged, or deteriorating HVAC system:
  • You don’t feel the hot or cool air in the house after running the HVAC system
  • Circuit breakers often trip
  • The filters remain blocked
  • Malfunctioning thermostats
  • Rustling, screeching, rattling, and other sorts of noises when you run your HVAC system
  • Inconsistent temperatures throughout the house
  • High energy bills even when you run the HVAC system for the same durations

Can You Get Away With an HVAC Repair Rather Than A Replacement?

You can get rid of the HVAC system problems mentioned above by contacting the right heating and air conditioning service providers. Conejo Services offers premier HVAC repair, replace, install, and perform several inspections/maintenance checks on your HVAC system. They offer services in Conejo Valley areas and many other regions of the nearby counties of California, including Ventura, Los Angeles, and Santa Barbara County. Getting repairs may cost less but investing in an efficient HVAC system is more rewarding in the long run. Repairs can take care of the minor damages and fluctuations in the performance of your HVAC system while also allowing you to live with extended comfort inside your dwelling. However, if the problems keep coming up often, replacing the old HVAC system will bring efficiency and reduced energy bills.

RELATED ARTICLE: How to Decide Whether Air Conditioner Need Replacement or Repair?

Is Your Home Located In A Climate That Requires Heating and/or Cooling?

Depending on where you live, you may see variations in the service costs for HVAC system repairs, replacement, installation, and maintenance. However, with Conejo Services, you can rest assured that you will receive the level of HVAC services that you pay for. Living in California, you will experience the warm and humid heat of the summer season. That’s when you want to turn your HVAC system on to enjoy cool temperatures inside your house. Conversely, you may cover yourself up with sheets and turn the HVAC on for warm air during winter. But how is it possible if your HVAC system often breaks while the cool/hot air escapes out of the house due to poor insulation? Well, you can take help of a moving company and adopt efficient insulation and HVAC system repair services by contacting us.

Do You Currently Have Energy-Efficient HVAC Units?

National data suggests that today’s latest air conditioning systems with modern features and upgrades can use 30%-50% energy to generate cool air. Having an energy-efficient HVAC system can substantially reduce your energy bills. In contrast, an inefficient HVAC system can be the source of the highest energy consumption in your house. Here are some terms you need to learn if you have a modern energy-efficient HVAC unit in your house:
  • AFUE Value- this value depicts how efficiently your gas furnace converts the energy from fuel. A higher value will mean higher fuel conversion efficiency and vice versa.
  • SEER Rating- SEER rating refers to the electricity to cooling air conversation efficiency rate. Meeting the national standards is paramount, so the higher the SEER rating of your HVAC system, the more efficient it will be.
  • Low Energy Bills- if you have an energy-efficient HVAC system, your energy bills will be lower except when you run it for extended periods.
You can receive inspection services from Conejo Services to learn more about your HVAC system and its condition. Energy-Efficient HVAC Units

Basic HVAC Upgrade Options

» Insulation

Insulation upgrades mean high energy conservation when it comes to keeping your house cool or warm for extended periods without the need to run your HVAC system constantly. In different regions and Counties of California, we can offer you efficient blown attic insulation with a long-time warranty.

» Furnace/Boiler

Furnace of boiler upgrades come with better AFUE values that refer to high fuel conversion efficiency. With multi-stage burners, you can turn on the furnace partially to let the warm or cool air distribute efficiently. Moreover, with a partially on burner/furnace/boiler, your HVAC system can provide warm air for a longer period before overheating your house.

» Highest SEER Rating Air Conditioners

If your HVAC system has a low SEER rating, consider switching to the one that has a higher SEER rating. SEER rating tells how efficient your HVAC system is when it comes to converting electricity to cool air. Thus, a higher SEER rating will not only save energy but also cut down your energy bills radically.

» Air Ducts

Cleaning and maintaining air ducts helps to prolong the lifespan and operational life of your HVAC system. However, they do take considerable space in your house. The latest upgrades allow for more compact air ducts that are easy-to-maintain, easy-to-clean, and a lot more efficient.

» Smart Thermostat

Thermostats are now programmable. You can set timers to automatically turn the HVAC system off when you leave your home at a given time in the morning every day. Similarly, you can program the smart thermostats to turn on before you reach home. Smart thermostats of HVAC systems today allow manual control to check the outdoor temperature, remotely turn off/on, etc.

» Humidifiers

Best HVAC upgrades are incomplete without the addition of efficient humidifiers. They can help to keep the air moist inside your house during dry seasons. Likewise, humidifiers can also help to relieve excessive moisture during humid weather conditions. Latest humidifier upgrades allow manual control over the humidity in your house without having to turn the HVAC system on.

» Other Essentials – Roof, Doors and Windows, VRF System

VRF systems utilize the refrigerant flow capacity to heat various parts of the house simultaneously. Furthermore, it is a highly rewarding investment as an HVAC system upgrade. Additionally, insulating the cavities, cracks, and other openings near your windows and doors can help to maintain a consistent temperature without losing the warm/cool air to the outside.

Conejo Services is Here to Help

Do you want to get HVAC upgrades from the most reputable HVAC contractor? Conejo Services is here to help you. Get a free estimate for blown attic insulation, HVAC repairs, installation, replacement, and more. Give us a call at 805-499-0448 or contact our HVAC experts to inquire further. We provide heating and air conditioning services in Conejo Valley, Santa Barbara County, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, and several other counties of California.
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