Are you crossing your fingers every time you turn your air conditioner on, hoping for one more day of cooling relief from an ancient relic? Each hot day when you turn that AC unit on is one more day of comfort. Yet, you’re wondering if this will be the last day.

Air Conditioner Need Replacement or Repair

You fear the day that you turn that trusty old unit on and hear some awful grinding or squealing sound, but no cold air. Or maybe it doesn’t turn on at all. No matter how many times you turn that knob back and forth, you get nothing. Is it time for ANOTHER Air Conditioning service call?

You dread that phone call and the visit that follows. You know your air conditioner is “old,” and one of these service call visits is going to declare the unit DOA. Or they give the estimate to have it repaired again, and you wonder if maybe it should be declared DOA.

Air Conditioner Repair or Replace?

So, how do you go about making that decision to air conditioner repair or air conditioner replace? If it was still working yesterday, maybe it should be repaired and get another summer’s use from it? Or should you cut it free now, let it go to that great air conditioner graveyard, and replace it soon? There is no simple answer to this decision. If you can get another summer out of the old thing, are you saving money? Or are you just costing yourself more money by prolonging the life of a unit that has served you well and deserves to retire?

The service technician isn’t much help with this decision, either. They give you an estimate for this repair but can’t guarantee how much longer it will serve its purpose for you. Are they honest with you, or are they on a commission if they convert a service call into a sale? Or maybe they know it is beyond the worth of putting more service call money into it, but they’re making money off you by coming out and nursing the old unit on one more summer.

Figuring Out Whether You Should Repair or Replace Your Air Conditioner

Figuring out whether you should repair or replace your air conditioner can be a difficult decision to make. Here, To help you make the decision, we offer a few factors that you can use as a guideline line on making that call to either service it or scrap it:

1. The Age

How old is this air conditioner unit? The average lifespan of an air conditioning unit is 10 to 15 years, so if it is starting to need a service call between those birthdays, replacing it may be your better option. Maybe at ten years old, you had its service, and it was two more years before you had to have it serviced again. It has been repaired at least once a year, or was it twice last year in the previous three years? What was repaired on the unit? Was it the solenoid that went terrible, or was it the compressor, maybe the fan? Perhaps all of the above and more? The older the unit gets, the more likely it is to breakdown, and the more expensive repairs are going to get.

2. Replace Cost vs. Repair Cost

A formula that can help you decide to repair or replace is to multiply the cost of the repair by the old unit’s age. If that number is less than the repair costs, then it is worth getting it repaired.

3. Energy Bills

If you have noticed that your electric bills are getting higher than the regular rate increase, it could be because your old unit is working hard to keep up

Read this article to learn more: How to Save Money on Your Energy Bills This Summer

4. Old unit Can’t Keep Up.

As air conditioners get old, they start losing their efficiency from the wear and tear they take over time. If your home hasn’t had the insulation updated in some time, the unit is having to work harder to keep up as the insulation isn’t as effective. It may be time to replace the unit if it seems to run for more extended periods before reaching the optimum temperature.
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Final Thoughts

Your home is a valuable asset for you and your family. Keeping the major components working in top condition is part of the relevant asset. Once you have replaced that old unit, keep regular maintenance up like changing or replacing the filter, annual inspections by a licensed HVAC technician, and keeping the outside component free of debris. Having a new unit installed now should give you many years of comfort and enjoyment.

At this point, the experts at Conejo Services understand and can help you figuring out whether you should repair or replace your air conditioner. For more HVAC Service tips or to schedule Air Conditioner repair, maintenance or AC Replacement in Southern California, please contact Conejo Services at (805) 499-0448.